Keep it in Perspective
Keep it in Perspective
The Soul of the Democratic Party

The Soul of the Democratic Party

What does it mean to be a Democrat in 2019? What does it take to run for office these days? How can a progressive relate to their purple voting and red voting neighbors?

It's all about messaging: relating your platform and your positions on the issues to the pains and concerns of your voters. No matter your priorities, it's always about tying your solutions into the challenges your voters face.

In this episode, former progressive Democratic candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates Jason Fowler breaks it all down in this ode to our party and his beloved home district, a unique place that is closer to our nation's capitol than almost all others, but  just as outside the beltway as anywhere in America...

Keep it in Perspective
Keep it in Perspective
Perspectives to help you understand the news, not panic
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Christian Hanley