Keep it in Perspective
Keep it in Perspective
Still Fighting for the Vote

Still Fighting for the Vote

This week I have the pleasure of being joined by Anson Asaka of the NAACP to talk about the ongoing fight for voting rights after the Supreme Court's gutting of the Voting Rights Act and the mass panic caused by Trump's election lies.

We cover the shameless new laws passed in Southern (and some other) states to keep working people, Black and brown people, the young and the elderly from voting. We also get into the lawsuits Anson and his team are working on to protect all  of us and our most sacred right in our democracy.

Anson isn't just an expert; he's an expert practitioner with first hand knowledge from the front lines of the fight for voting right whose insights are sure to give us all some much needed perspective. 

Keep it in Perspective
Keep it in Perspective
Perspectives to help you understand the news, not panic
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Christian Hanley