Keep it in Perspective
Keep it in Perspective
Oh Mueller

Oh Mueller

Today, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified for his 90th time before the House of Representatives. Though his testimony was complete and truthful, there of course were some - ehem - conclusions lacking.

More striking still was that GOP Congressmembers were willing to forgo any inquiry into the facts and instead followed Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, and AM talk radio hosts down the conspiratorial rabbit hole to attack an American hero rather than to seek out the facts. The display was disgraceful.

So let's forget the political points scoring for a moment. How did we get here? What are our adversaries after? And how do we move forward? 

We cover all this and more in this week's special episode.

Keep it in Perspective
Keep it in Perspective
Perspectives to help you understand the news, not panic
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Christian Hanley